Sunday 4 November 2018

Chairman Kim refuses to rule out reverting to old behaviour

Image result for north korea threatens to restart nuclear weapons programme if US refuses to lift sanctions

Like a recovering alcoholic, North Korea is struggling to keep on the straight and narrow

North Koreans are threatening to explode in a wave of sanctions-bursting moves that would make their past behaviour look like a child's play. The rogue regime said it could bring back its "pyongjin" policy of simultaneously advancing its nuclear force and economic development if the US failed to change its stance.

The people are angry because the Americans would not lift sanctions despite the 'sacrifices' they have made. Of a truth, North Korea unilaterally suspended nuclear and intercontinental ballistic missile tests and closed a nuclear testing ground.

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                      Mike Pompeo

However, the Americans are of the opinion that the North Koreans have not done enough. Hear Mr Pompeo:
"We have our eyes wide open.

"There is a long way to go to get chairman Kim to live up to the commitment that he made to President Trump and, indeed, to the demands of the world in the UN Security Council resolutions to get him to fully denuclearise."

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North Korea responded with a statement, it was issued in the name of the director of the foreign ministry’s Institute for American Studies. It said :

“The US thinks that its oft repeated ‘sanctions and pressure’ leads to ‘denuclearisation’ – we cannot help laughing at such a foolish idea.

“If the US keeps behaving arrogantly without showing any change in its stand, while failing to properly understand our repeated demand, the DPRK [Democratic People’s Republic of Korea] may add one thing to the state policy for directing all efforts to the economic construction adopted in April, and as a result the word ‘pyongjin’ may appear again.”

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