Thursday 9 March 2017


In Genesis 8 verse 22, the Almighty said to Noah, ''While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.''  This statement by God is a clear indication that human earthly life is in cycles.  Now, a cycle is a series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order.  Cycles of life can therefore also be described as the times and seasons of life.
Let us, for instance, consider seedtime and harvest.  Simply, this means that there are times to sow seeds and there are times to harvest.  Most people will agree that it is only sensible to sow during seedtime so that one can harvest during the time of harvest.  If one failed to sow during seedtime, it will not be logical for such a person to expect any harvest during harvest time.

It is important for every human living on this planet to always be sensitive to the times and seasons of life.  The Psalmist prays in Psalm 90 verse 12, 'So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.'  This means that we need the grace of God and an uncommon mental alertness to be able to ensure that at every moment of our earthly sojourns we are doing what is appropriate spiritually, economically, educationally, emotionally and physically.  It is important to do the right things at the right times.  If not, one may later be filled with regrets.  The chances are that if one does things in their seasons, one would arrive at the desired expected ends.  However, if one misses a cycle, one may have to wait for the next cycle.  A cycle can be missed through laziness or apathy. 

Each person ought to be able to ask himself or herself the following questions: What should I be doing now that I'm not doing?  What am I doing now that I should not be doing?  Do I realise that if I sow the wind I must reap the whirlwind?  Am I doing all that I ought to be doing in order that my long-term interests are not jeopardised?

It is always tragic for any human not to be able to discern the times.  This implies that it is disastrous not to have learnt to do the right things at the right times.  Spiritually, for instance, there are things one should be doing.  We read in 2 Corinthians 6 verse 2, 'For He says: ''In an acceptable time I have heard you, And in the day of salvation I have helped you.''  Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.'  Should one slip into eternity without having made one's peace with God through Jesus Christ, it then becomes too late. 

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