Thursday 9 March 2017


                                                                 THE BIBLE AS LIGHT

The Psalmist, in Psalm 119 verse 105, called the Word 'a light for my path.'  In the land of darkness and the shadow of death which the world is, the Word, that is, the bible, is the shining light.  In the physical realm, for instance, it is well known that there is hardly anything one can do without light.  It is needed in every home as members of a family, for instance, cannot relate with each other without it, especially when it is dark.  It is likewise needed in many other areas of human endeavours.  Functionally, the light reveals any object as it really is.
Spiritually, the Word or the bible, as a light for one's path reveals the direction of one's life, it shows where that life is headed.  This means that the bible not only exposes how we live, it also reveals what will be the consequences of the way we live.

The bible clearly enumerates what benefits we would derive if we live the way we should live, that is, if we live by the Word.  As light for our paths, the bible guides and directs us.  It remains a guide for individuals, for families, for governments, for communities, for nations and for mankind in general.  It directs our paths as we journey from this world to the next one.


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