Friday 10 March 2017


NASA is working on making Mars safe to live on

Nasa's plan to make Mars safe to live on
Picture : Reuters/NASA

NASA is working on making Mars safe to live on
Mars (Picture: Reuters/NASA)

It has been confirmed that NASA is working on making Mars habitable for humans.  The space agency has developed a massive new strategy for warming Mars up, so people could feasibly survive there. 

Hear James Green, Director of NASA's planetary Science Division : ''Scientists are looking at using a giant magnet to transform the planet's atmosphere into one that would be safe for humans.  This would create an artificial magnetosphere, that would then protect the planet from the sun's harmful radiation.''

NASA plans to place inflatable structures into a stable orbit around the planet, creating a magnetic dipole at the side of Mars facing the sun.  It is believed that, over time, this would gradually restore the atmosphere, creating a protective layer to induce the greenhouse effect - which would then warm the planet up.

To me, this latest idea by NASA appears to be a mad venture.  While it may be okay to explore the solar system, the thought of humans planning to go and live on another planet can be described as a sick joke.  Now a few questions arise.  If we are able to move to planet Mars, how are we going to feed ourselves?  Do things grow on Mars?

Personally, I believe that the will of God is for humans to dwell on earth, not on any other planet.  Psalm 24 verse 1 states, 'THE earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein.'  God's will is for humans to dwell on earth.  This is according to the Word of God, the bible.  Any arrangement contrary to this is bound to end in failure.

NASA is working on making Mars safe to live on

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