Friday 2 June 2017



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Professor Stephen Hawking of Cambridge University has repeatedly counselled humans to escape the earth before it's too late.  The wheelchair-bound genius has given us at most a hundred years in which to find another planet on which to settle.

The European Space Agency has however poured cold water on this optimistic gamble.

According to Johann-Dietrich Worner, ESA director general, ''Migrating safely to a new home in the Cosmos would not only be a challenge far beyond the reach of modern technology but it would be a dark and joyless existence even if we get there.'' 

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The Space Chief has advised humans to stop deceiving themselves thinking they could colonise Space.
Hear Dr Worner, ''Colonisation is the wrong word.  Humans will fly to Mars, for sure.  Humans will fly to the moon again, for sure.  But colonisation- that always sounds to me as though we should leave the earth.  And I hope that we will not leave the earth in the next three billion years, but that humans will find a way to secure life on earth.  You see even now Stephen Hawking is saying within a hundred years we have to leave the earth.  But you will hardly find a better place.''

Image result for humans in space


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