Wednesday 4 December 2019

President Trump, NATO and the General Election in Britain

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The American President and NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

Mr Trump’s current visit to Britain to attend today’s NATO meeting outside Watford coincides with the final stages of the election campaign. The election comes up on December 12. The American President has been dragged into the fray because of his close friendship with Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

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Mr Trump has however said that he is staying out of the election because he would not want to complicate things. Despite this assertion, the American President could not help recommending Boris Johnson. Referring to the British Prime Minister, he said, ''He is very capable and I think he’ll do a good job”.

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People in Britain are apprehensive that in view of Brexit, the British government may put Britain's National Health Service on the table as part of negotiations to secure a trade deal with the US. Many Brits are scared to death at the prospect of having to pay through the nose for medical care.

Mr Trump has refused to feed the speculation. Hear the American President, “We have absolutely nothing to do with it(the NHS) and we wouldn’t want to if you handed it to us on a silver platter. We want nothing to do with it”.

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Leaders of the Western Alliance are currently jaw-jawing outside Watford.

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