Tuesday 26 March 2019

Golan Heights, Ownership and the End Time

Golan Heights map

The American president, Donald Trump, has officially recognised Israel’s claim to the Golan Heights. This followed his 2017 decision to move the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem after recognising the city as the capital of the Jewish state.

Spanning about 1,800 square kilometres, the heights remain a key source of water for an arid region. Rainwater from the Golan's catchment feeds into the Jordan River. The area also provides a third of Israel's water supply.

Not surprisingly, the land is fertile, and the volcanic soil is used to cultivate vineyards and orchards and raise cattle. The Golan is also home to Israel's only ski resort.

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The bold decisions by the leader of the Free World again brought into focus the issue of the ownership of territories and dominions.

Most people will agree that the main reason humans have fought wars in all their history has always been to gain ownership or control of territories. For example, during the second World War, Hitler was simply trying to annex other peoples' territories and countries. The immediate cause of that war was Germany invading Poland on September 1 1939.

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History tells us that the Israelis were in the Golan long before the coming of the Arabs. According to the Bible, an Amorite Kingdom in Bashan was conquered by the Israelites during the reign of King Og. This was during the forty-year journey of conquest undertaken by the Jews on their way to the Promised Land. It followed their liberation from the clutches of their oppressors, the Egyptians of old, whose kingdom they had devastated. This was over three thousand years ago.

It is always the case that in all debates and arguments about the ownership of territories, God is never mentioned. However, the truth about ownership of territories is found in Psalm 24 verse 1 which states, 'The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof, the world and they who dwell in it.'

Humans, in all ages, have fought over territories even though no human owns any territory. What happened in the past, in some cases, was that when a people came to a place, they settled there if they were not opposed. The place would thus become theirs. In most cases, however, what happened was that invaders would come to a place and engage in war with the occupiers of a land and take over the land.

Gradually, humans became more civilised. Today, there are laws that govern human behaviour and actions especially as regards aggression against others.

Sadly, what most humans are yet to internalise is that God is still alive and well. His laws, that is, His Word will also always be above the laws of man.

At a point, God had to prove His ownership of the earth and all territories on the planet. This was when the Almighty took a band of slaves who had been incapacitated in Egypt for over 400 years and led them accross the world and resettled them in the land of Canaan. These were a people who had had no previous military training but were still able to take on all comers and vanquished them during the wilderness years. God was simply reasserting His authority over the earth and His ownership of it.

You would probably have noticed that, during those days, whenever the Israelites followed God closely and did His will, they always won no matter how powerful the opposition.

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It was sad that a time came when the Israelis became wiser than God who had brought them to the land of Canaan. They started lusting after the gods (demons) of the nations that God had destroyed in order to settle them in Canaan. All attempts to reconcile them to Himself failed. He then promised through His holy prophets that He would remove them from the land of Canaan and scatter them around the world. Thus Israel ceased being a nation in AD 70.

However, the Almighty also promised to bring them back to their land. God said He would bring them back because of the promise He made to their forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who were His friends.

Therefore, against all odds, Israel became a nation again in 1948.

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It is therefore logical for the Israelis to want to reclaim all the lands they lost when they ceased being a nation. The lands given to them by God. This is what they have been doing since 1948. Peoples, nations and governments who do not know the owner of the earth, that is, the God of Israel, have always opposed them.

Donald Trump is simply only doing what the God of Israel would want for Israel. Despite his obvious weaknesses, President Trump is a servant of God. People hate him because he is a powerful weapon in the hands of God. God raised him up for these very reasons.

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Finally, for those who may want to believe it, the Owner of the earth will soon return and reclaim what rightly belongs to Him. After He will have destroyed the present world system and earth, those that God will resettle on the new earth will neither be Jews nor Arabs. They will be all those who fear Him and have been washed in the blood of the Lamb.

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Image result for golan heights

Image result for golan heights

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