Wednesday 14 November 2018

Donald Trump and the rise of a revived Roman Empire

Image result for donald trump and theresa may

Contrasting and contentious noises continue to emanate from both Washington and Brussels especially as regards the state of the Western Alliance. Can the marriage between America and Europe continue to endure? At this point no one is really sure.

It is certain however that defence seems to be an increasingly contentious issue between Washington and European powers. Without a doubt, this threatens a breakdown of postwar alliances.

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The American president has often said that if the Europeans want NATO to continue, they would have to pay their dues.

Surprisingly, it appears the Europeans are thinking of something entirely different.  Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, has called for “a real, true European army” in a speech to the European parliament that could rival the global dominance of the US and China.

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Not surprisingly, the European proposal to create a military force separate from Nato is the latest fault line in deteriorating relations between Europe and the US. The American president has derided the concept.

Nevertheless, it would seem that the idea of a European army has begun to spread. Mr Le Maire, the French finance minister, in an interview with Handelsblatt, a German business newspaper, said, “Europe needs to become a kind of empire like China and the USA, but a peaceful empire that concentrates on environmentally friendly growth.

Image result for donald trump

Could the proposed empire be the long predicted revived Roman Empire which would be the last empire in the history of mankind?

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