Qatar is ordered to shut 

down Al-Jazeera and cut 

ties to Iran and the Muslim 

Brotherhood to end Gulf 


 in list of demands from 

Saudi Arabia and 

neighbouring countries

Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries that have cut ties to Qatar have issued a steep list of demands to end the crisis. Pictured, Donald Trump (right) with Saudi Crown Prince  Mohammed bin Salman (left)

Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries that have cut ties to Qatar
 have issued a steep list of demands to end the crisis. Pictured, 
Donald Trump (right) with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (left)

  • The Arab countries insist neighbour must close down broadcaster
  •  Al-Jazeera
  • Also demanding cut back of ties to Iran and closure of 
  • Turkish military base
  • The 13-point list was presented to Qataris by Kuwait, 
  • which is helping mediate
  • They have now given Qatar 10 days to comply 
  • with all of the demands

Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries that have cut ties to Qatar
 have issued a steep list of demands to end the crisis.
The countries insist their Persian Gulf neighbour must close down
 broadcaster Al-Jazeera, cut back diplomatic ties to Iran and shut a
 Turkish military base in Qatar.
In a 13-point list – presented to the Qataris by Kuwait, which is
 helping mediate the crisis – the countries also demand that Qatar
 sever all ties with the Muslim Brotherhood and with other groups 
including Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries that have cut ties to Qatar have issued a steep list of demands to end the crisis. Pictured, Donald Trump (right) with Saudi Crown Prince  Mohammed bin Salman (left)
Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries that have cut ties to 
Qatar have issued a steep list of demands to end the crisis. 
Pictured, Donald Trump (right) with Saudi Crown Prince
 Mohammed bin Salman (left)
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain 
cut ties to Qatar this month over allegations the Persian Gulf
 country funds terrorism – an accusation that US President
 Donald Trump has echoed. 
Those countries have now given Qatar 10 days to comply
 with all of the demands, which include paying an unspecified 
sum in compensation.

According to the list, Qatar must refuse to naturalise citizens 
from the four countries and expel those currently in Qatar,
 in what the countries describe as an effort to keep it from meddling 
in their internal affairs.
They are also demanding that Qatar hands over all individuals 
who are wanted by those four countries for terrorism; stop funding 
any extremist entities that are designated as terrorist groups by the US;
 and provide detailed information about opposition figures that Qatar
 has funded, ostensibly in Saudi Arabia and the other nations.
The countries insist their Persian Gulf neighbour must close down broadcaster Al-Jazeera, cut back diplomatic ties to Iran and shut a Turkish military base in Qatar (File photo)
The countries insist their Persian Gulf neighbour must close 
down broadcaster Al-Jazeera, cut back diplomatic ties to Iran
 and shut a Turkish military base in Qatar (File photo)
Qatar's government did not have any immediate reaction to 
the list. Nor did the United States. 
Earlier this week, US secretary of state Rex Tillerson had insisted
 Qatar's neighbours provide a list of demands that was 
'reasonable and actionable'.
In early June, Trump tweeted about the effort to isolate Qatar, 
setting off concerns about fragile alliances in the region.
Though Qatar's neighbours have focused their grievances on 
alleged Qatari support for extremism, they have also voiced loud 
concerns about Qatar's relationship with Iran, the Shiite-led country
 that is a regional foe for Saudi Arabia and other Sunni-led nations.
In early June, Trump tweeted about the effort to isolate Qatar, setting off concerns about fragile alliances in the region 
In early June, Trump tweeted about the effort to isolate Qatar, 
setting off concerns about fragile alliances in the region 
The Iran provisions in the document say Qatar must shut down 
diplomatic posts in Iran, kick out from Qatar any members of the
 Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard, and only conduct trade and 
commerce with Iran that complies with US sanctions. 
Under the 2015 nuclear deal, nuclear-related sanctions on Iran
 were eased but other sanctions remain in place.
The demands regarding Al-Jazeera, the Doha-based satellite 
broadcaster, state that Qatar must also shut down all affiliates. 
Rex Tillerson had insisted Qatar's neighbours provide a list of demands that was "reasonable" (Evan Vucci/AP)
Earlier this week, US secretary of state Rex Tillerson had
 insisted Qatar's neighbours provide a list of demands that was
 'reasonable and actionable'
That presumably would mean Qatar would have to close down
 Al-Jazeera's English-language affiliate. 
Qatar's neighbours accuse Al-Jazeera of fomenting unrest in
 the region and supporting the Muslim Brotherhood.
If Qatar agrees to comply, the list asserts that it will be audited 
once a month for the first year, and then once per quarter
 in the second year after it takes effect. 
For the following 10 years, Qatar would be monitored annually
 for compliance.
(The Mail, UK)