Wednesday 26 April 2017



An inspired Psalmist declares in Psalm 119 verse 33, 'Teach me, O Lord, the way of Your statutes, And I shall keep it to the end.'  To teach means to give instructions to a person on a subject.  It could also mean to cause to learn or understand.  To anyone living in the 21st century, the school scenario of a teacher and his/her pupils is fairly common.

Also, most people are not unaware that the aims and objectives of the schools system include ensuring that students or pupils are imparted with knowledge and understanding especially of their environment.  They are also to ensure that these pupils or students are adequately prepared for the tests and examinations that would qualify them for promotion to the next classes.  Finally, they ensure that the students complete their education.  It is believed that completing their education would enable the students to have an appreciation of the world in which they live.  It would also make it easier for them to be able to navigate their way through life. 


When the Word, therefore, is referred to as the teachings of the Lord, it implies that God is the teacher and man is the pupil or student.  From all indications, it also means that life itself is a school.  While the bible is the book of instruction, the trials of life and the other things we go through stand for tests and examinations.  The sad thing, however, is that many people living on earth today are not properly enrolled in the school of life.  To be properly enrolled in the school of life one must do two things.  The first is to repent of all one's sins.  This is why Acts 17 verse 30 states, ''Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent.''  The second thing is to be born of the Word of God and the Spirit of God.  It is not until one repents and experiences the new birth that the bible can become one's book of instruction in the school of life.

On His part, the Lord God is ready and willing, having made all the necessary provisions, to instruct man if man would allow himself to be instructed in the Word, which the bible is.  The Lord declares in Matthew 11 verse 29, ''Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.''  It is only when man is instructed in the bible that he can have an adequate understanding of all things.  It is only then that he can enjoy the benefit of a right relationship with God.  By being instructed in His Word, God prepares us to face life's tests and examinations. 

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