Saturday 18 March 2017


It is important to state that the catchment area of the holy bible is the whole of humanity, that is, wherever human beings can be found.  This wondrous book was written to serve all of mankind.  It is another way of saying that the fate of every human being on every continent, in every country, in every city, in every town and in every village is tied to this Word of life.  People can protest all they want and say that since they do not believe the bible, it should not apply to them.  This is the whole point.  In the bible, there is a message for everyone.

For starters, what would you say on the following declaration by the God of the bible as reported in Isaiah 24 verses 21, 22 and 23, 'It shall come to pass in that day That the Lord will punish on high the host of exalted ones, And on the earth the kings of the earth.  They will be gathered together, As prisoners are gathered in the pit, And will be shut up in the prison; After many days they will be punished.  Then the moon will be disgraced And the sun ashamed; For the Lord of hosts will reign On Mount Zion and in Jerusalem And before His elders gloriously.'  You see, the God of the bible is the one who determines the fate of all the inhabitants of the earth depending on how they have related to His Word. 

In the book, however and before the great day of His wrath, the Almighty God, through Christ, invites all mankind to Himself.  It is therefore left for everyone to find the bible and then key into it.  This also means that all humans of every race and in all lands can in no way escape the pronouncements, the provisions and the verdicts spelt out by God in the bible. 

Image result for those who exclude themselves from the grace of God
There are those who are bound to say that they do not want anything to do with book.  Still, they will be judged by and with the words of the book.  The wondrous book was inspired and written to serve as the handbook for the living.  It is the living book sent by the living God for the life of the world.  This implies that it is meant to serve as the only authentic guide for all humans wherever they may be found.  The only safe thing for any living human therefore would be to get hold of the bible and fall in love with it. 

Those who do not accept the bible as the Word of God and live by it can be described as the outsiders.  They choose to exclude themselves from what the book says.  They have thus become strangers to the promises of the Covenants and are non-partakers in the heritage of the saints in the light.  These ones have excluded themselves from the redemptive programme of the Almighty God in time and in eternity. 

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