Olly the dog that tried and failed at Crufts is a hero for our times
Please stop what you’re doing and take a moment to appreciate Olly, a very good dog who tried very hard to do well in the Rescue Dog Agility Course.

Olly tried. He just became a little too excited, and ended up face-planting, stumbling, and generally not quite nailing it.
But he kept trying. He kept going and had a smile on his face the whole time.
And that’s what makes Olly a true hero for our times.
He turned up to Crufts confident that he could do it. He didn’t give up, even after a little embarrassment. He persevered.

We could all do with being a little more like Olly.
Olly the dog that tried and failed at Crufts is a hero for our times
Believing in ourselves. Giving things our all and enjoying the experience. And never, ever giving up.
Thank you for inspiring us, Olly. You truly are a very good dog.