Tuesday 14 March 2017


An arrow is a weapon of offence used in war during ancient times.  Usually, they are shot from bows after being aimed at the enemy.  An arrow when shot is capable of neutralising or taking out the enemy.  Like a bullet, an arrow can kill.

It is interesting that children are compared to arrows in the Word of God.  Psalm 127 verses 3 and 4 state, 'Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward.  Like arrows in the hands of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth.'

How can children be arrows?

First and foremost, everyone needs to be reminded of certain truths about all children:
1. All babies are God's children even though they are born into human families.
2. All parents are mere guardians who are supposed to care for God's children even though these parents see the children as theirs.
3. The primary function of the family is to raise up godly children.
4. All babies born into this world are spirits who will live forever.  Therefore, the way children are brought up has eternal consequences.
5. The divine plan is for all children born into this world to be arrows in the hands of God.  When Moses was born into the Jewish family of Amram and Jochebed in Egypt, the parents saw a beautiful child but the powers of darkness that ruled ancient Egypt saw an arrow who would devastate Egypt.  Many children were murdered in a bid to get Moses destroyed but God preserved him.  He was even brought up in the palace of Pharaoh.  Moses would eventually fulfil his destiny as God used him to disgrace the gods of Egypt and to devastate the land.
6. Children are therefore never to be abused or ill-treated but should be handled with godly fear and trembling considering that they are potential vessels in the hands of God.
7. Parents who nurture their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord will eventually be hugely rewarded by God both here and in eternity.

How do you see your children, that is, if you have any?  Do you see them as little imps who are always up to some mischief or do you see them as budding battle axes in the hands of the Almighty?
Please, be assured that you will one day give an account to God on how you brought up those children.

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