Saturday 4 March 2017


                              The Bible As A Mirror

The way God sees you

The bible is referred to as a Mirror.  James, in the first chapter of his book verses 23 and 24, wrote, 'Anyone who listens to the Word but does nothing about it is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.'

A mirror is an object that could easily be found in most homes and it is used all the time.  Family members often use it to gauge whether or not they look their best.  As a rule, most people would like to be considered perfect in their appearances.  Most bathrooms, for example, have their walls adorned with mirrors of varying sizes and shapes.  It is considered normal, for instance, that in the mornings, before setting out for the day, one wants to ensure that one's appearance is okay.  It is a mirror that aids us to achieve this.  If, for instance, there is a stain on my face, looking into a mirror will enable me to see it so that I can do something about it especially if I do not want the stain to remain there.  It is not uncommon to see our womenfolk in possession of mirrors of all shapes and sizes wherever they are.  They, especially, make it a point of duty to look their best at all times.  The mirror is therefore a needed item.

The inescapable fact, according to James, is that what the mirror is in the physical is what the bible is in the spiritual.  The bible is the spiritual mirror given to humans by the God of the universe.  It certainly would benefit our world if more people were keen to know what they look like spiritually.  What really matters to God is what you look like in the spirit realm.  By carefully, prayerfully, sincerely and humbly going into the Word, reading, studying and understanding it with the help of the Holy Spirit, we see ourselves the way God sees us.  It shows us up for what and who we really are.  Fortunately, for those who want to do something about the way they look spiritually, the bible also tells them how to go about it.

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