President Trump It appears that time is running out for Donald Trump's denials, obfuscations and half-truths. What with the terrible disclosures emerging about how Russia hijacked American democracy to put its chosen candidate in the White House.
The criminal charges against the President's campaign manager Paul Manafort, and an admission by aide George Papadopoulos that he lied to cover up Kremlin's involvement in the election all threaten to uncover what the president has been trying to hide all along.

President Trump's most fanatical supporters may like to believe his claims of ''fake news'', but the full horror of what really happened is now dawning.
It may now not be far from the truth to conclude that Trump is a commander-in-chief favoured by a foreign power that was desperate to have a stooge in Washington in order to weaken and destabilise the USA.
How the president hopes to survive this remains to be seen.
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