The steps people take each
day across the planet

Smartphone data from 700,000 people has been collated to show
how active different parts of the world are. Residents of Hong Kong
can claim to be the fittest, walking an average of 6,880 steps each
day. But those living in Indonesia appear to be the laziest,
managing just 3,513
- Smartphone data from more than 700,000 people was
- collated by scientists
- Hong Kong is deemed the fittest, with residents walking
- 6,880 steps each day
- But those living in Indonesia appear to be the laziest,
- managing just 3,513 steps
If you've ever wondered which country leads the way in terms
of staying fit each day, your queries have been answered.
Smartphone data from more than 700,000 people has been
collated by scientists to show just how active different
parts of the world are.
And residents of Hong Kong can proudly claim to be the fittest,
walking an average of 6,880 steps each day - the equivalent
to around three-and-a-half miles (6km).
But those living in Indonesia appear to be the laziest,
managing just 3,513, according to Stanford University researchers.
By comparison, Britons walk 5,444 steps on a daily basis,
less than three miles (5km), tipping their US counterparts
who manage just 4,774.
Scott Delp, a professor of bioengineeering behind the findings,
previous study on human movement.
'There have been wonderful health surveys done,
but our new study provides data from more countries,
many more subjects, and tracks people's activity on
an ongoing basis.
'This opens the door to new ways of doing science at a
much larger scale than we have been able to do before.'
On average, the number of daily steps taken was 4,961
- two-and-a-half miles (4km), according to the research
published in the journal Nature.
But many countries, including Canada, Australia, New Zealand,
also fell below the standard estimated amount.
Experts say the overall findings, which delved into
multiple factors such as 'activity inequality' and obesity
rates in 46 countries, could help tackle bulging waistlines.

Contrary to popular belief, the main findings of average steps
in each country had little impact on obesity levels. Instead,
activity inequality - dubbed the vast difference between the active
and the non-active - was a more accurate reflection
Contrary to popular belief, the main findings of average
steps in each country had little impact on obesity levels.
Instead, activity inequality - dubbed the vast difference
between the active and the non-active - was a more
accurate reflection.
The researchers told the BBC the bigger the gap between
the two sets of people, the more obese people
who lived in the country.
Tim Althoff, a PhD candidate in computer science who
was involved in the research, said: 'For instance, Sweden
had one of the smallest gaps between activity rich and activity poor...
it also had one of the lowest rates of obesity.'
His claims were backed by the findings, which showed the
US and Mexico to have similar average step counts -
but stark differences in activity inequality and obesity levels.
The findings were based on anonymous data from participants
who used the Argus app on their phones, designed to track daily activity.
Hong Kong | 6,880 |
China | 6,189 |
Ukraine | 6,107 |
Japan | 6,010 |
Russia | 5,969 |
Spain | 5,936 |
Sweden | 5,863 |
South Korea | 5,755 |
Singapore | 5,674 |
Switzerland | 5,512 |
Czech Republic | 5,508 |
UK | 5,444 |
Italy | 5,296 |
Ireland | 5,293 |
Denmark | 5,263 |
Hungary | 5,258 |
Poland | 5,249 |
Norway | 5,246 |
Germany | 5,205 |
Finland | 5,204 |
Chile | 5,204 |
France | 5,141 |
Netherlands | 5,110 |
Turkey | 5,057 |
Israel | 5,033 |
Taiwan | 5,000 |
Belgium | 4,978 |
Australia | 4,941 |
Canada | 4,819 |
US | 4,774 |
Thailand | 4,764 |
Romania | 4,759 |
Portugal | 4,744 |
Mexico | 4,692 |
New Zealand | 4,582 |
UAE | 4,516 |
Greece | 4,350 |
Egypt | 4,315 |
India | 4,297 |
Brazil | 4,289 |
Qatar | 4,158 |
South Africa | 4,105 |
Phillipines | 4,008 |
Malaysia | 3,963 |
Saudi Arabia | 3,807 |
Indonesia | 3,513 |
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