Is this proof food can be
better at fighting disease
than medicine?
- Evidence suggests that diet can work as well as, if not
- better than, medication
- A study led by Professor Giovanni de Gaetano in Italy,
- suggested a Mediterranean-style diet may be better at
- treating heart disease than statins
- Another study, published in the Lancet in 2014, compared
- diet and exercise with the drug metformin for diabetes
When you’re diagnosed with a chronic condition, treatment is
usually medical — drugs or surgery, for instance. You’ll probably
be advised to improve your diet, but often with little, or no,
advice on how to do it.
But, increasingly, evidence suggests that diet should be more
than just a part of the treatment package, it should be seen as
integral — sometimes working as well as, if not better than, medication.
For instance, a landmark seven-year study last year suggested
a Mediterranean-style diet may be better at treating heart
disease than statins.
The research, led by Professor Giovanni de Gaetano of the
Neuromed Institute in Pozzilli, Italy, found that heart patients
whose diet was rich in vegetables, nuts, fish and olive oil,
cut their risk of a premature death by 37 per cent
(compared with 18 per cent for statins, according to previous research).
‘Of course, doctors will continue to prescribe drugs such
as statins but we can’t look at drugs as the only way of
[saving lives],’ said Professor de Gaetano.
Another study, published in the Lancet in 2014, compared
diet and exercise with the drug metformin for diabetes and
found lifestyle was more effective in preventing development
of diabetes in those at high risk.
Yet many doctors seem unaware of diet’s positive effect.
‘There is little or no training at medical school or postgraduate
level on the impact of nutrition on health,’ says Dr Aseem Malhotra,
a consultant cardiologist at the Lister Hospital in Stevenage.
He was one of a group of doctors who recently called on the
Medical Schools Council and the General Medical Council
to address this.
‘Doctors need to know about the impact evidence-based lifestyle
interventions such as diet can have on chronic conditions,’ he says.
‘The healing power of diet has been underplayed and, unlike drugs,
doesn’t have side-effects. If it was a pill, any company that
manufactured it would make billions because the effect is so good.’
It’s not simply that switching to healthier eating and losing weight
makes the difference — but it seems specific foods may also have
a particular ‘healing’ effect in certain conditions.
Here, we speak to five patients who say swapping to disease-specific
diets has transformed their health.
NOTE: Speak to your doctor before changing your diet and do
not stop taking your medication without medical advice.
THE DIET: The Overcoming MS (OMS) programme
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a serious neurological condition
characterised by symptoms such as problems with vision and mobility.
Treatment usually involves managing symptoms and trying to
slow its progression.
This diet was developed by Professor George Jelinek,
a neuroepidemiologist at the University of Melbourne, following his
own MS diagnosis. He is symptom free, 18 years after being diagnosed.
It involves giving up meat, dairy and other foods high in saturated
fats in favour of a plant-based wholefood diet with seafood and
20 to 30ml a day of omega-3s, ideally from flaxseed oil plus
vitamin D (and up to 15 minutes of sunlight five times a week).
Lifestyle changes include exercise and meditation to reduce
stress. More than a dozen papers, including one in the Journal
of Nutritional Neuroscience in 2015, have found the programme
can improve physical and mental health. But Dr Eli Silber,
a consultant at King’s College Hospital, London, says:
‘There haven’t been properly controlled large-scale trials
to support it.’
THE PATIENT: Nicole Green, 45, a hospital manager,
lives in Ipswich with her husband, Dave, 50, a dock worker
and their four children, aged 13 to 25.
I’ve been on a roller-coaster with my health since being
diagnosed nine years ago. I have relapsing and remitting MS —
new symptoms appear or old ones return for anything
from a few hours to days. The diagnosis was a terrible shock,
especially as my children were young. As well as the
unpredictability, the worst thing was being told there was no cure.

Nicole Green, 45, a hospital manager from Ipswich,
suffers from relapsing and remitting MS
I’d have a relapse about once a year when my eyesight
would be really poor and my mobility so bad I’d be confined
to a wheelchair. I could be off work for months.
Even when I went into remission, the cumulative
damage meant the vision in my left eye has been
permanently affected — it’s like looking out of an
opaque window.
I’d read about diet and MS, but as a vegetarian for
ten years, how much healthier could I be? But after a
massive relapse two-and-a-half years ago, where for a
few months my vision went almost completely in both
eyes and I was so weak I couldn’t even lift a kettle, I was desperate.
That’s when I heard about Professor Jelinek’s diet.
I didn’t feel I needed to tell my own doctor: it wasn’t as
if I was giving up my medication.
I began eating fish — a struggle as a vegetarian. It was also really hard giving up cheese. But the difference has been massive: within weeks I was able to do Pilates and Aqua Fit regularly. I now do five exercise classes a week because I have the energy and mobility.
I was thrilled when I had a brain scan last September and it showed no new disease compared to previous scans.
My doctors suggest this could be the medication, but there’s no doubt in my mind it’s this diet that’s changed my life: I haven’t had a relapse since.
My family no longer lives with the fear of the next relapse and wondering what damage it’ll cause: we can have a normal life again.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome affects an estimated nine million Britons, with symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhoea or constipation. Patients are typically offered antispasmodic drugs and told to eat more fibre.
The low FODMAP diet was devised in 2012 by scientists at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, who found that IBS symptoms could be triggered by sugars known as fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols (or FODMAPs).
These are found in foods such as wheat products, garlic, dairy, and fruit and vegetables including onions, leeks, cabbage, celery, apples, pears, peaches and plums.These sugars are poorly absorbed in some people’s small intestine and ferment, triggering symptoms.
‘Low FODMAP is becoming a standard diet for people with IBS, especially those with bloating as a predominant symptom,’ explains Dr Steven Mann, a consultant gastroenterologist at the Royal Free Hospital, London.
‘It has an effect on other symptoms, but less so. It’s restrictive, so the usual advice is to do it for six to eight weeks and then gradually reintroduce foods to see which have an effect. Most people with IBS have multiple intolerances: this finds specific triggers. I recommend the diet to my patients.’
THE PATIENT: Hannah Crossland-Scott, 29, an administrator, lives in Camberley, Surrey with husband, Mitchell, 27, who works in telecommunications, and sons Jesse, three and Leo, 18 months.

Hannah Crossland-Scott, 29, an administrator from Camberley, Surrey, has suffered from IBS since she was 14
I’ve suffered with terrible IBS since I was 14 — it would rule my life. A flare-up could happen up to twice a week, causing stomach ache and terrible bloating. I’d have to cancel plans, to be near a loo. I was prescribed different antispasmodic medication which didn’t really help. I was also told by one doctor to look at my lifestyle — but I already had a healthy, balanced diet and exercised.
Then about two years ago another GP, who had IBS, told me about the low FODMAP diet.
The diet was terribly restrictive, but it was astonishing — within a week I’d noticed improvements and now I rarely get a flare-up if I avoid my trigger foods, such as dairy, onions, garlic and melon, or anything with gluten. If I do get a flare-up, say one a month, it’s usually because I’m stressed.
I now have the confidence to go out and make plans when I want.
THE DIET: Eat Your Way to Lower Cholesterol
This was developed by nutritionist Ian Marber and Dr Laura Corr, a cardiologist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust.
The standard advice for high cholesterol is to reduce saturated fat and red meat and follow a Mediterranean diet. The Marber and Corr approach is based on healthy eating but includes daily consumption of six foods that have been shown to lower cholesterol: soya, healthy oil such as olive oil, fibre (bran or pulses), oats, nuts and foods fortified with plant sterols, compounds thought to lower cholesterol by mimicking it and competing with it for absorption into the body from the gut.
The daily doses to be taken are specific: two tablespoons of virgin olive oil, 20 almonds and 30g of soya products.
The authors say all these food groups are backed by scientific evidence. ‘We don’t have a huge amount of evidence that diets like this will make you live longer — unlike statins where there is hard evidence that they can reduce heart attack or stroke,’ warns Dr Julian Strange, an interventional consultant cardiologist at the Bristol Heart institute.
‘But the diet may help you lower cholesterol. However, it should never be an excuse not to take statins — rather it should be part of the process.’
THE PATIENT: Bill Rogers, 52, a retired civil servant, lives in West Wycombe with his wife, Helen, 52 and has two children.
About two years ago I went to see my GP as I was having giddy spells. I’m a fit guy — using a rowing machine at home for 20 minutes every day and I did a lot of walking — but blood tests showed my cholesterol was 7.1 (‘healthy’ is below 5).

Bill Rogers, 52, a retired civil servant from West Wycombe, was diagnosed with high cholesterol two yeras ago
The doctor wanted to put me on statins, but I really didn’t want to start taking drugs.
My wife found Dr Laura Carr and Ian Marber’s diet and I decided there was no harm in trying it for a few months before deciding what to do next. My GP said I was okay to try it for three months.
It was a bit of an education, eating foods I’d never tried such as chickpeas, soya and sweet potatoes. I also started doing things like putting olive oil instead of butter in my sandwiches — which took some getting used to.
But after three months my cholesterol was down to 4.2. My doctor said it must be a fluke, but I continued and a few months later it was still only 4.4.
It did rise again last October, to 5.7, but I’d been on holiday and let myself go a bit. Last month it was 4.6. I’m thrilled. My doctor says I don’t need statins provided my cholesterol stays this way.
THE DIET: The ketogenic diet
This diet, devised in the Twenties by a U.S. doctor, is a high-fat, low-carb approach based on the idea that swapping the body’s energy source from carbs to fats can reduce seizures.
The typical ketogenic diet is about ratio, eating 3 to 4g of fat for every 1g of carbohydrate and protein. It includes high-fat foods such as butter, heavy whipping cream, mayonnaise, and oils. It’s much more restrictive than standard low-carb diets, and much higher in fat and lower in protein.
‘The ketogenic diet has been a proven form of treatment for children who don’t respond to epilepsy medication,’ explains Dr Manny Bagary, a consultant epileptologist and neuropsychiatrist at Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation.
‘It hasn’t traditionally been used by adults since there haven’t yet been large enough randomised clinical trials to prove its effectiveness for them, but there’s no reason why adults whose condition doesn’t respond to seizure medication shouldn’t try this diet, under the supervision of their doctor.’
THE PATIENT: Kasam Parker, 49, a social care facilitator, lives in Birmingham with his wife, Najma, 47, and their daughters aged 18 and 21.

Kasam Parker, 49, a social care facilitator from Birmingham, has suffered from epilepsy since the age of 23
Epilepsy can take over your life as seizures are so unpredictable. Since my first at 23 I’ve had them at work, home and out with the family. I can feel giddy for around 24 hours afterwards. I’ve also broken my shoulder, fractured my nose, had cuts to my face and once hit my head so hard I briefly lost my memory.
There’s no pattern, either — I could have a seizure every week or month. It didn’t help that over the years I developed a tolerance to different medications.
It was an awful way to live. Then two years ago, I read online about the ketogenic diet. I felt I had nothing to lose and my doctor said I could do it, provided it was under a dietician’s supervision.
I divide my carbohydrate — around 30g a day — into 5g blocks, a spoonful of cereal at breakfast and then a mouthful of bread or potatoes at lunch or dinner, and I eat lots of eggs and soya milk.
It’s been difficult, but in two years I’ve had only two seizures — the last was eight months ago.
I want other people to know you can take control with epilepsy.
THE DIET: The Low Carb Programme
The official advice to diabetes patients is to ensure starchy carbohydrates, such as rice and potatoes, feature heavily in every meal and keep fats to a minimum.
The Low Carb Programme, launched in 2015 by the website, is part of a growing movement to tackle diabetes by cutting back on carbs to control blood sugar levels.
‘This Low Carb Programme has been shown to be effective in the short term with weight reduction and blood glucose control,’ says Dr Dushyant Sharma, a consultant diabetologist at the Royal Liverpool Hospital. ‘But we don’t have enough evidence for how well it could control diabetes in the long term.’
THE PATIENT: Graham Hogben, 66, a retired mental health nurse, lives in Scarborough with his wife Sue, 63. He has one child and four stepchildren.

Graham Hogben, 66, a retired mental health nurse from Scarborough, has type 2 diabetes
I never for a moment thought someone like me would get type 2 diabetes: I was slim, ate healthily and exercised — and had no obvious symptoms. But eight years ago, I was feeling tired and a blood test confirmed it was diabetes. My GP said it could be down to family history — my mum and grandmother had type 2.
Medication didn’t seem to help and after two years there was talk about putting me on insulin. My wife came across the Low Carbohydrate Programme 18 months ago.
I decided to have a go. I used to eat a lot of bread, potatoes and pasta, but swapped to lots of meat and fish. I’d snack on green olives or cheese, rather than crisps.
Within a week my blood sugar dropped, from between 14 to 18 mmol/L down to 6 to 8 (normal is 4 to 7).
My latest reading was 5.5 and I’ve also lost 3st. My medication — Gliclazide — has been halved and my diabetes nurse, who was sceptical, is astonished.
I didn’t realise how sluggish and unwell I felt: now I walk 40 to 50 miles a week and have a new spring in my step. In fact, I’ve never felt better.
(The Mail, UK)
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