Self and his encounter with His Majesty
It was now the turn of Self to testify before King Almighty. As he made his entrance, clad in a multi-coloured apparel, a strange smile danced briefly on his lips. It was not immediately clear what he might have considered hilarious in the circumstances.
However, he remained upbeat and unruffled as he believed that there was really no cause for alarm. For reasons only known to himself, he had somehow concluded that there was nothing to worry about. He was counting on the amount of quality time he had put into preparing what he would say before His Majesty. He surprisingly believed that what he would say would be sufficient to get him off the hook.
After being ushered into the presence of the King, Self bowed in adoration. He expressed his delight at being asked to appear before His Majesty in spite of the fact that he was not very sure why the King wanted to see him.
The King then asked him straightaway why he thought it was a good idea for him to cause so much pain for His representatives to the point of actually displacing them from being able to properly
exercise their mandate in Terrestrial.
'Gracious King,' began Self, refusing to give in to nerves, 'I am not unaware that a lot of tales were told about me. In my humble opinion, this ought to call into question the honour and integrity of the King's representatives who were, without any doubt, the sources of all the malicious rumours and lies that were making rounds about me. Many of those things said about me could only have arisen from the fertile imaginations of these royal representatives.
With your kind permission, dear King, I will nail the falsehood in many of these stories once and for all. I intend to state the facts of the matter as they really are. I intend to puncture holes in the assertions of His Majesty's representatives. Hopefully, this will enable the King to decide if I should be blamed for all that went amiss in the kingdom outpost.'

'Firstly, I am the sort of person who likes to keep himself to himself. I hate to get mixed up in things that have nothing to do with me. Despite all the hullabaloo about me, I was never interested in being made god. I never lobbied your representatives for any special treatment. I was content to remain my normal, self-congratulating self. However, I was dramatically forced by your representatives. I was threatened and thoroughly intimidated.'
Continued this self-confessed introverted god, 'Whereas I was content to remain my original self and whereas this was far better for me and for others, the decision by your representatives turned everything on its head. Things have never been the same since then. Even though the royal representatives would want Your Majesty to believe that I caused all the problems, I can tell you that this is far from the truth. Though I am unique, the fact remains that I am only one among many, that is, I am really only just a part of a whole.'

Self went on, 'For fairly obvious reasons, I cannot ordinarily afford to want to have my own way in a team situation. There is no doubt, therefore, that in cooperation with others I can achieve a lot of things. In a team situation, if I insist on not doing what is expected of me, I become irrelevant, disruptive and a nuisance. I become a minus and not a plus, a problem and not a part of the solution. In such situations I become a cog in the wheel of progress of the whole group.'
The god continued, 'There were evidences that everything was fine until the King's representatives decided to make me an object of worship. It was then that all hell broke loose. It was not until then that all the problems started, that is, not until I was blown out of all proportions. It was not until then that all attention began to focus on me and I became swollen-headed. It was then that I became the centre of attraction when all others did not matter anymore.'

'It was only after I was made god that I began to feel that I needed no one else. The consequences have been very unpleasant. Your emissaries have surely gotten more than they bargained for and one can confidently say that the worst is yet to come. For instance, because I was made god, I no longer see anything good in others as I now always see everything in the context of myself. All others can take a back seat as far as I am concerned. This has resulted in the fact that I always consider myself preeminent, not caring about what others feel or say. It can be concluded then that this decision by His Majesty's representatives to deify me has not, in any way, brought any lasting satisfaction either to me or to themselves. Despite making me an object of worship, I have not been able to reward their loyalty to me.
Your Majesty, this much I have to say in response to the accusation that I frustrated the royal representatives.'
After his defence, the notorious god still had to wait for what was going to happen. Was he going to be left off the hook as he had always hoped?
Fortunately for him, what he said was deemed to be satisfactory. His defence was a success. Thereafter, he was asked to leave.

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