Demonstrators also protested against the arrest of people who were 
not fasting.
At the beginning of June, four men were sentenced to a month in jail 
for 'public indecency' after eating outside during daylight.
'We're protesting about lawsuits against non-fasters... Whoever wants
 to fast can fast, but whoever doesn't want to shouldn't have to,' 
demonstrator Karim Chair told AFP.
Tunisian protesters hold placards during a demonstration for the right to eat and smoke in public during the Muslim dawn-to-dusk fasting month of Ramadan on Sunday
Tunisian protesters hold placards during a demonstration for the right to eat and smoke in public during the Muslim dawn-to-dusk fasting month of Ramadan on Sunday
Since the 2011 revolution there have been calls for the right not to fast, but this was the first time such a demonstration has taken place in Tunisia.
'I fast but I came to join this protest and call with these people for respect for the freedom of belief and conscience,' said another demonstrator, Kamel Jalouli.
Most cafes and restaurants in Tunisia close during the day in Ramadan, and those that open do so discreetly.
As this year's fasting month began, a media-oriented preacher went round cafes open during the day to record footage of clients and shame them in a move that was heavily criticised on social networks.