Hollywood advisor talks Israel as government announces film incentives
Israel flag with a view of old city Jerusalem and the KOTEL- Western wall
Get ready to start seeing some of your favourite Hollywood
 stars filming in Israel as a new initiative by Israel’s Finance 
Ministry has been announced, with plans to turn the historic 
country into a hit with American studios.
MK Michael Oren, deputy minister for foreign policy in the
 Prime Minister’s Office, has dubbed the plan ‘Holy-wood’
 and has claimed that with his background in Hollywood – 
he has worked with Orson Wells and various other production
 companies – he believes Israel is ready to become the new 
Dubai or Abu Dhabi.
‘I never understood why Israel isn’t an international film center, 
as we seem to tick all the boxes to be one,’ he said.
‘We have a large range of terrain conditions such as desert,
 mountains, cities and villages, all within short driving distances.
 We have teams skilled in photography and editing, and great 
hotels that are more than suitable for hosting stars. We have
 television and film studios, and expertise in military issues,
such as explosives.’
Hollywood advisor talks Israel as government announces film incentives
Scenes from World War Z set in Embrasure were filmed in Malta
It’s a sentiment shared by Richard Klein, who advises
 Hollywood film studios on locations, script development, 
production and marketing and is a former Special Assistant for
 International Security Affairs at the Department of State.
‘The scripts and locations I am seeing, Israel is going to become 
a country of real interest,’ he told Metro.co.uk of the next big 
filming location.
‘It’s got incredible diversity of topography and geography 
and architecture, it’s got diversity of language, of culture –
 no one has really made a movie that shows you the old city of 
Jerusalem, the mountains of the Negev desert, and with the 
kinds of stories that are coming productions will find what they 
need in Israel.’
Hollywood advisor talks Israel as government announces film incentives
Tel Aviv (Picture: Getty)
He also admitted that ‘on the Israeli side, they’re starting to figure
 out how to be more attractive to filmmakers’.
‘They’ve got film incentive laws that are out of date, and not 
competitive at all, plus there’s a perception about safety that’s
 inaccurare and easy to address. But bottom line it’s got amazing 
and historical locations that have never been filmed by Hollywood.’
Hollywood advisor talks Israel as government announces film incentives
Negev Desert (Picture: Getty)
The ‘Holy-wood’ plan reportedly has three steps that will be
 put in place in order to gain hundreds of millions of dollars in 
revenue from hosting big-budget productions.
The first would be to establish a film authority in the Finance Ministry,
 which would be able to work with the studio as well as local
 authorities including police, the Nature and Parks 
Authority and other state bodies 
that would allow for closures or access to military sites.
Producers would also be offered grants ‘of 25% to 35% of the 
value of the investment to film in Israel’ while ‘special insurance 
provisions’ would also be set up in case of security issues that later 
cause the production to relocate out of Israel.
‘As deputy minister of foreign policy, I think there is diplomatic
value to this project,’ Oren added, speaking to Israel Hayom.
‘If Brad Pitt comes here and not Malta [scenes set in Jerasulem 
in World War Z were actually filmed in Malta], it is a serious
 blow to the Boycott, Divestment, Sanction movement. If a 
movie says “Made in Israel” it’s great public diplomacy, 
an advertisement for Israel.’
(Metro, UK)