Monday 19 June 2017



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When the time came for Beauty to see His Majesty, she did it with all grace and poise.  Even in such serious circumstances, her ability to turn heads refused to desert her.  It was as if the occasion was solely at her behest.

She took her time carefully, ensuring that she was ready before making any move.  The officials at the Royal Guest House watched her with some admiration as she waltzed along.  As it was very unlike her to be found wanting on the big occasion, she dazzled all.  She had actually looked forward to her appearing before the King.

On coming face to face with the King, Beauty duly paid her respects.  She also expressed her delight at being given the opportunity to gaze upon the splendour and glory of King Almighty.
After all the pleasantries, the King then asked her,
'Beauty, how could you have considered it beautiful to have so thoroughly hounded my representatives?  Why did you not consider the fact that by becoming a stumbling block to them, you were actually attacking me directly?  What gave you the confidence that you could do this and get away with it?

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Replying the King, Beauty began bravely,
'Your Majesty, I was lied against.  I am sure that you will agree with me shortly.  First and foremost, I can be described as that which appeals to the eye, the fair one.  However, as always, there is the temptation to limit me to the physical aspect alone.  It must, at all times, be realised that there is more to me than meets the physical eye.  There are certain aspects of me that can only be seen with the inner eye.  These aspects of me may not be noticed in an instant as they are revealed over time.  Though these may not be seen with the physical eye, they are always there.  These physically invisible parts of me can only be revealed in the way daily life is lived.  They are better appreciated or perceived as a result of their therapeutic effects on situations.  These are aspects of me that are of eternal value.  They are aspects of me that are often ignored or overlooked just because they not unduly excite or titillate in an instant.

In my physical form , however, there is no doubt that I have been known to melt the hearts of kings.  I have turned the heads of leaders and decision makers just to prove a point.  Wars have been fought over me and empires destroyed.  Assets have been won and lost because of me.  Names have been made or unmade on account of me.  Not unexpectedly, many are obsessed with me as a result.  In my elements, certainly, the unseen aspects of me would always bind wounds and can satisfy long-standing desires.
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Beauty went on,
'I was doing my own thing when your representatives came to me with an offer.  They offered to make me what I least expected, a god and a ruler around here.  After examining the offer, I realised that it was a package too good to turn down.  However, in what was undoubtedly a bizarre arrangement, only the physical part of me was deified.  Unfortunately, what is often forgotten is that this physical aspect of me quickly fades away, leaving the worshippers stranded and bewildered.

From the onset, I knew that the decision by your representatives to deify any aspect of me was contrary to your instructions.  Nevertheless, I was forced, with me pretending not to be interested.  Your representatives went on to comply with their wishes principally because they failed to realise my limitations.  I protested, deceptively, that I was not cut out to be a god and a ruler.

The decision of your representatives to make me god has resulted in a series of problems from which absolute recovery is yet to be attained.

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