In the footage posted to Pear Video, an adult in a military style suit 
can be seen holding what appears to be a hammer. 
He repeatedly smashes a phone before standing on it and snapping
 it in half. 
The man then pulls more devices out of the bag and begins again. 
The students can be seen sat down and watching. 
A female voice can be heard saying having a phone is against the rules 
A female voice can be heard saying having a phone
 is against the rules 
According to the report, parents of the students were supportive of the school's actions
According to the report, parents of the students were supportive
 of the school's actions
In the background a woman can be heard saying: 'Any mobile 
phone brought into school against the rules will be soaked in water
 and smashed on the ground.'  
The video has attracted many comments online. 
One user wrote: 'This is the parents' hard earned money
 and you're smashing it?'
While another said: 'Robbery!' 
And one user commented: 'I think this approach is wrong,
 because the students' mobile phones are bought by the parents
 and the school has no right to destroy the parents' financial items.'